

Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, Plastic Surgeon

He is not just a plastic surgeon, he is considered an artist with the ability to build curves and sculpt muscles. He is the author of several books and scientific articles that have made known the innovations and new technologies that today work efficiently in body contouring procedures. With his new perspective of modern medicine, he found the relationship between art and human anatomy and gave life to different techniques such as the technique of High Definition Liposculpture that has revolutionized traditional liposuction, and which has led to the creation of beautiful and contoured bodies.



Este procedimiento produce resultados mucho mejores que cualquier liposucción convencional. La técnica de Lipoescultura de Alta Definición nace como respuesta a la necesidad de esculpir el cuerpo humano en sus cuatro dimensiones para obtener así la forma atlética y natural que tu como paciente estas buscando.


La técnica de Lipoescultura de Alta Definición en glúteos considera el contorno general del cuerpo y da importancia a las zonas vecinas, es por lo que se utiliza la transferencia de grasa en lugar de los implantes. La transferencia de grasa eleva los glúteos, rellenando y estirando la piel flácida, y creando una apariencia sexy y atractiva.


Los muslos, glúteos y rodillas son las regiones dónde más fácilmente se deposita la grasa. Esto se pueden solucionar a través de una lipoescultura la cual destruye y elimina la grasa acumulada de forma antiestetica debajo de la piel. En pacientes que tienen las pantorrillas muy delgadas se utilizan transferencia de grasa para aumentar el volumen y la definición del área.


Tu como mujer deseas tener senos firmes y de adecuado tamaño para tu cuerpo, lograr un resultado increíblemente sexy, lo cual será  en el complemento perfecto para cualquier procedimiento de contorno corporal. El aumento se puede realizar con los implantes mamarios en gel de silicona, solución salina, o transferencia de grasa.


La Cirugía Plástica facial o el rejuvenecimiento facial en cara y cuello te ayuda a reducir los signos visibles a través de los años. Con ella se busca lograr un aspecto más joven o mejorar la forma y el contorno de rasgos faciales como la nariz, los ojos, los pómulos, el mentón, las cejas y las orejas.


La lipoescultura es un método efectivo que sirve para moldear y darle una apariencia mas atractiva a tus brazos, mas delgados y mas tonificados. Además, con el uso de tecnologías como Vaser, Body tite and J Plasma se crea una retracción óptima de la piel, con lo que mejora la apariencia de la estructura muscular y mantiene los brazos en forma.

Procedimientos Hombre

Tu como hombre buscas una marcación notoria y profunda en abdomen, pectorales y brazos para lograr una apariencia atlética y sexy.  Por medio de la lipoescultura de alta definición logras perder peso y grasa, tonificando el abdomen y logrando los famosos six packs para tener una apariencia más fitness.
Beauty is the virtue of the body as virture is the beauty of the soul


The Plastic Surgery continues in constant advance and development, every day new surgical techniques are discovered that applied with the appropriate tools can offer greater satisfaction to you as a patient and improve your results.


Today, there are treatments that allow obtaining excellent natural results using minimally invasive technologies which are becoming more common due to the access that people have to them, the little or no recovery time, and also the short time in which they take place.


It is the first 3D simulator based on web technology to visualize the result of breast augmentation, and some facial and body procedures. This tool is useful both for you as a patient and for the surgeon since it helps to define realistic expectations and thus improve the final results.

THE clinic

We have an extensive infrastructure suitable to provide excellent service to our patients, thanks to the combination of elegance, security, high technology and human quality. 


Procedimientos cirugía plástica cuerpo hombre
Jesús López

After 3 months of surgery, I can say that I am very happy, from the moment I chose to have a procedure with Dr. Hoyos, I did not hesitate a minute of him and his wonderful work and professionalism, the recovery has been very fast and the results have been seen from the beginning and now after 3 months I am already deflated and I see the clearest change in my body, the definition is completely natural, every day I see more and more positive changes, I am very happy and grateful with Doctor Hoyos’s work and his team.  

Procedimientos cirugía plástica cuerpo mujer

Dr. Hoyos is an amazing doctor and person. He made me feel welcome & comfortable since my first consultation with him. His team is so friendly & caring they gave me the best attention ever. It has been 18 days since my surgery and even though it is too soon to say, I can see an amazing transformation with my body and it´s only going to get better! Dr. Hoyos is the best at what he does, he is a true artist and surgeon and more so an amazing human being. Thank you to him, and his team for taking such good care of me and giving me the results I dream of 🙂

Procedimientos cirugía plástica Hombre
Juan Felipe Gómez

Today I complete three months and eleven days of Having undergone the surgery with Dr. Hoyos, his High Definition Lipo technique is excellent,I really like what I see in the mirror; my life has changed completely, now I feel more confident in myself. I am much more motivated to lead a healthy life and enhance the great results obtained with the intervention. My life today is a life without complexes.


It is the perfect scenario for all the doctors of the different specialties to learn to combine their surgical talent with the different techniques and technologies that are present today to optimize results in their patients. It’s time that through digital tools not only new information is incorporated in all aspects of the practice but also generate a change in the strategic vision of the clinic or organization.

hope fundación

Cancer is one of the most lethal diseases in the world and unfortunately children are the most affected. The Hope Foundation has an excellent team that has made it possible to help many little ones to have space where they can not only receive emotional support but also social support for them and their families who are fighting against the disease and who they have required hospitalizations and long treatments.


The american society for aesthetic plastic surgery


Each of these awards is the highest honor that some of the most relevant plastic surgery associations in the world give to a surgeon. Dr. Alfredo Hoyos has received them as recognition to his innovative techniques and outstanding contribution that have revolutionized the field.


European collage
Núcleo avancado em cirugía plástica

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Del exterior: 0057 317-437-3717

 Dentro del País:  Cel: 317-437-3717

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Alfredo Hoyos Cirujano Plástico- Plastic Surgeon

Cra. 15 # 83-33 Cons. 203

Bogotá, Colombia Clínica Dhara

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